Support Your Local Skate Shop Too!
The skate shop where I bought the board has been around since . . . well, I don't remember when it wasn't there. You can buy a skateboard almost anywhere, but why would you if there's a local shop with local knowledge and local people trying to make their living helping skaters? I've always felt the same way about local surf shops. So, when it comes down to buying a board (surf or skate) at Costco for less or giving my money to the little guy or gal who truly has a passion for the goods sold or the sport pursued, I'm never hesitant to look at the big picture.
Hi Surf sister,
Nice looking board!
I ran over Eric's and I need to get a new blank. Our cool shop closed here in SB. WHere's this place? All I need is a blank and maybe some stickers? Your son and you will have fun in your own skate zone!
Hi, Mike!! Rip City Skates in Santa Monica. (Or is it West L.A.?) It's a tiny shop that's been there forever. They got everything, including stickers.
Sweet board. Support your local shop (and shaper, too)!
Shred Sister!
my fave shop:
behind the Orange Curtain by the Etnies Skatepark
SMA- OG stuff...I believe that icon Skip Englblom is the man responsible for SMA & Zephyr &.....Ozzie
Nice board. Good luck flying SMA. Oh yeah, anon, don't forget Natas.
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