The Ramp Gets Resurfaced with the Scent of Bacon in the Air
There's a new pig on the way. It's the one I've been waiting for, the one I specially ordered, the one my shaper friend has turned into a labor of blood, sweat and tears. We've flipped the script a bit on this one. No D fin. I have two such honkers in my quiver. I don't need one more. This fin will be glassed on nevertheless. We talked of doing the pickup on Sunday. But I'm going to get inked in the morning and he's got to be somewhere in the afternoon. So, I will have to figure out another day when I can head south for my porcine beauty.
In other news, I saw Prince in concert last Sunday. I went with the "I've got nothing better to do" attitude that is typical of me when I agree to express an interest in something in which I have no interest. The joke was on me though. That concert was fantastic!! That tiny little man can bring it. I do not find him attractive. I don't love his voice. I don't particularly like his music. But there I was, throwing my hands in the air, clapping, dancing and having a wonderful time. Had that not been his last night in L.A., I would have gone back to see him again even though I'm still not a fan. Live music performed well is a beautiful thing. Remember I said that!
I totally know what you mean about Prince. But I must admit that despite the fact that I don't find him at all attractive, I cannot deny that he is one very sexy wee man! He can bring it in the live stakes, for sure.
"Wee man" being the operative words. The height doesn't bother me, but the high heels and kind of delicateness don't do it for me at all. He's still a bad ass performer though. I will give him that and admit I was wrong. His talent is boundless and he proved it.
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