02 January 2012

All is Quiet on New Year's Day

It's a shame that a camera couldn't do this vision justice. As we headed down to San O yesterday to meet friends, we drove through more fog than I've seen in a long time. I dislike fog and the tricks it plays on my mind.

Somewhere in Orange County, right around Laguna, I think, the sun appeared. A big, yellow orb sat right there in front of us, its light burning through the fog while glorious rays emanated from it. This is probably what the religious among us believe they'll see before they ascend to heaven.

I'm just glad I witnessed this—on the first day of what has to be a better year than that last one.

Oh, the surf wasn't half bad either.


At 1/3/12, 10:56 AM, Blogger Surfing Grandma of OC said...

New years Eve was foggy, sunny, and foggy again. But it was one of my favorite New Years Eve to date =)

At 1/3/12, 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the Mothership coming down.Don't fake the funk!

At 1/4/12, 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly hope the road to heaven isn't the 405!!


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