02 May 2009

Why I Don't Mind Missing a Summer of Surf in L.A.

Soul Brother #1 took this shot in August 2007. I'm in there somewhere, probably fuming about the crowd and its kooky ways.


At 5/2/09, 3:26 PM, Blogger Growling Gecko said...

That is bizarre especially considering there is a barely a reasonable sized wave to ride.
Thank god we live at the end of the planet where there are way less surfers.

At 5/3/09, 8:06 AM, Blogger pranaglider said...

It always amuses me that when people think of surfing they often think of California in the summer time.

Thanks Gidget and the Beach Boys!

It's not that the surf can't, on occasion be good but that any other season is likely to be better.

At 5/7/09, 4:45 AM, Blogger Rebecca Olive said...



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