19 May 2007

Dear J.P.:

I don't like you. That's it. I said it. You make me sick. You piss me off. Do you want to know why? Well, every time I go to Surfy Surfy I want to run down to Moonlight Glassing with my paycheck. Damn the bills! My child doesn't need to eat! It's all about the pretty surfboards. I see the boards on your site and I'm almost sick to my stomach. The boards are beautiful and, well, they call to me. I think I may be losing my mind. It's all your fault, you know.

J.P., do you know what a crack whore is? Frankly, I think you're trying to turn me into a surfboard whore. So, please stop posting pictures on your site. It's the least you can do to save another surfer's sanity. I promise to stop casting aspersions about you in this blog if you give me a Gary Hanel five fin longboard. That's a fair trade, isn't it?


At 5/19/07, 9:28 PM, Blogger Bill Graber said...

I know don't you just hate that guy?

At 5/20/07, 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to rub it in a little, I saw a GH 9'2" noserider 5 fin with aqua/blue paint and pinlines in the glossing room. Oh yeah it was a stock board. That is until someone called in and said I'm looking for this and that, next thing you know, SOLD. Don't worry you might get the next one. Your kid wouldn't have to stop eating as long as you take a few sessions a week with the fishing pole. Surfing could provide for the whole family.

At 5/20/07, 9:13 AM, Blogger J.P. said...

Surfboards, only pennies per wave!

At 5/20/07, 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...hey baby
check it out this link
I think that you like it...


At 5/20/07, 8:35 PM, Blogger Miss Jeanette said...

There is nothing wrong with collecting useful art.

At 5/20/07, 11:59 PM, Blogger surferbrat said...

I'm with you sweetheart. I start plotting away my paycheck every time I look there. I'm trying to think of it as eye candy only. sigh.

At 5/21/07, 3:02 PM, Blogger 6ftnperfect said...

you think it's torture looking at that site? Try going in there some time, it's almost too much to handle.


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