16 November 2011

If I Coveted Money as Much as I Dodge Barrels, I'd be a Rich Woman

In other news, I ask this question: Why is it that everyone wants to talk about the stoke from surfing, but no one wants to talk about the stoke killers? I continue to posit the theory that we surfers happily turn a blind eye to the elephant in the room—polluted water. You bring up that topic, wait for a response and the reply is silence. But guess what? I'm not going to stop talking about it. I'm not going to throw my hands up, glad that I can enjoy the ocean before it's too late. Is that what you're doing? Shame.on.you. I talk about polluted water a bit here.


At 11/16/11, 9:29 PM, Blogger goofykook said...

I hate the fact that I feel compelled to stay out of the water 72 hours after rain. Last weekend I watched guys surfing beautiful overhead swells, in-and-out barrels at my local beach break, but I stay out because of the threat of turds. Pollution sucks. And while we're at it, I am increasingly offended by the trash people leave on the beach after a day in the sun. Why can't they walk five feet and use the trash cans. Our beach gets "groomed" in the morning, but that means that a lot of plastic bags and other trash get cut up into finer an finer fragments and end up in the sea. I'm with you!

At 11/17/11, 12:02 AM, Blogger Dr Mad Fish said...

Ditto!!! It's not good enought to just pretend it will go away or accept the inevitability. Crikey though, I had no idea it was that bad where you guys are.

At 11/17/11, 5:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think its right to be stoked about killing...this is supposed to be a civilized country. time to rethink your morals!


At 11/17/11, 2:17 PM, Blogger Surfing Grandma of OC said...

OH I am all over this.. I HATE IT when people leave trash.. anywhere not just at the beach. I actually say stuff to people. One day at the beach I was getting ready to leave and a family next to me was leaving and left paper plates, napkins, empty soda cans and a diaper.. a diaper!!! I said Um excuse me but YOU need to pick this up? Then they started acting like they didn't speak english.. OH THAT JUST PISSED ME OFF MORE because I heard them speaking English when I was sitting there AND I said soo...(side note I a married into a Hispanic family and have every color of the rainbow in my family..AND I LOVE ALL OF THEM,so NO PREJUDICE HERE).. just prejudice against ignorant people, SO.. I said look and picked up trash and walked what 10 steps to a trash barrel..and they just walked away.. I said wow I hate to see what your house looks like litter bugs!!!UM yeah I made a scene but I was mad!BUT unfortunately I was the one picking up their trash. Not one other person on that beach said anything or helped me! That urked me too as they just watch me pick up all the trash they left behind. My husband and I are all about Nature and I hate when we go fishing, hiking or just hanging out in the streams in our mountains and see shit tagged,and mounds of trash piled every few feet like a colony of people had just left.. REALLY???? I just don't understand why? WHY?????.. Oh this irates me! One time I said something to someone about not throwing their cigarette bud in the gutter, I said hey I live in hilly & fire prone area..what you just did could start a fire and it is littering... HE said shut up you hippy tree hugger.. and I said whatever At least I care about where I live and how I raise my kids..(um kids were there too), and I hope one day your or someone you know house burns down because of a fire that was started by someone flicking a cigarette.. then maybe you will think twice.. He walked over and stepped on it at that point...but still left the butt in the street! I know on so many levels that was not nice to say..BUT again.. I don't always think when I get mad.. LOL! can't help it I am passionate about what is important to me.

At 11/18/11, 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats why i like cigars. they are all natural, expensive and burn out right away. when i throw one on the ground at least im giving back to the earth...

hopefully i'll never burn down a house, but dont we have to many already? no easy answers.


At 12/3/11, 7:39 AM, Blogger Bill said...

SG. Of O.C right on


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