The Year That Was (2008)
I'm happy to see it go.
2008 kicked my ass in more ways than one.
Leave the past in the past. I know what they were and the readers of this blog know the highlights (if you can call them that).
My quiver took shape in ways I hadn't expected:
9'6" Tyler log
9'1" Chris Slick single fin
9'1" Salted performance noserider
7'3" TG bonzer speed egg
7'0" Soul Performance mid-sized beauty
6'6" Joel Tudor Good Kharma single fin
5'10" TG mini-Simmons
4th Gear Flyer Surf Mat
I quit the blog and then returned to it.
My kid is a beautiful, funny human being who makes me laugh every day.
My spouse beat cancer.
My health is excellent and I've truly enjoyed being 45 years old.
What's in store for 2009? Let's wait and see.
Everyone have a happy, productive and healthy 2009. We all deserve better days. Don't wait for them to happen. Go out and make them happen. Finally, support your local shapers. They are the backbone of our sport/pastime/hobby/passion.
Let's resolve to be good to one another, whether in the water or out, in 2009.
2009 is only 2 hours and 55 minutes old, and already it BLOWS!
To Wit:
I stubbed my toe going into the restroom about an hour ago.
My wife said she had a headache, and went to bed before midnight.
The plan my poker buddies and I have to knock over a Vegas casino on New Year's Eve has gone yet
another year without reaching fruition.
I'm looking at the Live Traffic Feed, and am jealous of whoever from Vista, California is on-line right now. I used to laugh at I'd give in my left, uh, toe, to live there. Or anywhere south of the 45th parallel.
Some 45 year old chick from LA now has more boards than I do.
The Jonas Brothers are still in business.
My cable system dropped the "Discovery Wings" channel as of today. Are they F***ing kidding me?
My resolution to cut down on sugar went down the drain when I finished a piece of chocolate cake just now.
The "no bullshit" policy includes one's self.
Taking no prisoners in 2009!
Right on SSister. Let's have a nice '09!
Here, Here! I love this.
Reading your blog has been one of my highlights for 2008.
Thank you, Jamie!! It's been nice to find another surf blogging gal pal. I can't wait until you come out with your new stuff (hint, hint!!!). I've got a couple of spaces here that need to be filled with your artwork!
I'm late to the party, but Happy New Year to you, too. And you're right, it's up to each of us to make things happen. Wish you all the best.
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