Surfin' a Pig
The second of my soon-to-be three pigs is now getting put through its paces at a local beach break that I don't normally surf. This board does not disappoint. In fact, I've yet to surf a pig that does.

This board, like my first pig, has no leash plug and sports a big D fin. If you surf boards like this enough, you stop thinking about using a leash. In fact, leashes need not apply. This is not to say that I don't lose my board. It happens, but not as much as it used to. Nevertheless, when I surf a spot with rocks, I leave my I-don't-need-no-stinkin-leashes attitude in the car. I take a board that happily accommodates a leash. I really don't feel it's my duty to help the ding repair folks put all of their kids through college. But when there are rocks and I don't have a leash? Well, let's just say I can probably pay for those kids' grad school educations as well!

When I got home from today's session, someone alerted me that my pig and I could also be found surfing here. Oink!
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