20 May 2010

Wegener BlueGill Test Drive (Day 2)

I really like this funky little board. It skips across the water while you remind yourself to stay low. I tried to stand tall a couple of times, felt the board get the equivalent of speed wobbles and got my happy ass back down to a point where my center of gravity kept the board from careening out of control with me on it.

Yes, but can you turn the thing?

Uh, yes and no. I noticed that when I took a wave backside, I could easily redirect to go frontside. However, if I was going frontside, my attempts to then go backside were met with the "heartbreak of psoriasis". Why did I say that? I have no idea. That saying just popped into my head; I know it's from some commercial from my childhood.

Yes, I digress once again.

So, what do I think of this board? It's great. I don't think you would use the word "great" to describe the way I surf it. I would use that adjective to describe how it, like a surf mat, forces you to think outside the box. It makes you see waves in a different way; you have to know how each surf craft works in the water. The mat won't work like the pig, which won't like the BlueGill. My quiver is the size that it is because of my need for variety. None of my boards is like another. Yeah, I have several longboards, but each one does something different. Three hulls? Yep. And I can tell you how I determine which one to ride given the waves I'm presented.

I see the BlueGill as something that will help you press the "Reset" button. We surfers can get lazy surfing waves we know on boards we cherish. My recent forays into therapy are shining a light on why I am the way I am. By that I mean, I now understand why I can't stay in jobs, why I have a good-sized quiver, why I tend have several athletic endeavors to choose from (even though I prefer to surf most of the time).

Boredom. I am someone who is easily bored by things, therefore I crave variety (in boards, in pastimes, in music, jobs, etc.). So while I might be loving my Almond Surf Thump today, I'm just as happy on my Paul Gross hull the following day. The BlueGill certainly will round out the quiver to eliminate boredom. It's kind of hard to be bored when you're side slipping down a wave thinking of Herbie Fletcher and laughing your head off (which is what happened to me today).

There are pictures from today's session. Alas, there's not much to see other than fog . . .

and a successful bottom turn. Notice this turn is from the tail and not on the rail. This board is giving me a fit. I'm loving every minute of it. Yep, I'm pulling that trigger.


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